ICO: Blockchain for financing

Esteban Reynier
7 min readNov 1, 2023


Altcoins illustration

I. Introduction

A. Introducing the ICO smart contract

In the world of blockchain, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have long been a favored way for projects to raise funds and for investors to participate in promising projects. The article you’re reading looks at one specific ICO smart contract, taking a close look at its components, how it works and its essential role in the fundraising process.

B. Purpose of the article

The objective of this article is to provide an in-depth understanding of an ICO smart contract, focusing on its key components. We will explore the state variables that store crucial information, the modifiers that provide security and function management, as well as the various functions that allow investors to participate in the ICO and obtain tokens in exchange for their contributions. By understanding how this smart contract works, you’ll be better prepared to evaluate and participate in ICOs with confidence, while understanding the importance of security and transparency in these fundraising processes.

smart contract link: https://github.com/ereynier/Cloudy-ICO/blob/main/src/Presale.sol

II. State variables

A. Overview of state variables used in the smart contract

The ICO smart contract we are examining relies on several state variables that are essential for its operation. These variables play a central role in managing funds, distributing tokens and ensuring transparency within the ICO. Here’s an overview of the main state variables used:

  1. cloudy: This variable stores an instance of the Cloudy token contract. It represents the cryptocurrency that investors will receive in exchange for their contributions to the ICO.
  2. unlockTimestamp: This is a timestamp that determines the date on which the funds collected will become available for withdrawal. Until this date is reached, the funds remain locked in the contract.
  3. tokenPriceInUsd: This variable contains the price of the Cloudy token in USD, expressed in wei. It is used to calculate the quantity of tokens investors will receive in exchange for their contributions.
  4. totalSupply: This variable represents the total supply of Cloudy tokens that will be available during the ICO. It is expressed in precise units (wei) to ensure fair distribution.
  5. priceFeeds: This is a mapping between token addresses and price oracle addresses. This mapping makes it possible to track the real-time prices of tokens accepted during the ICO.
  6. allowedTokens: This variable stores a list of token addresses authorized to be used to participate in the ICO. Only tokens listed here can be accepted for contributions.
  7. _balances: This is a mapping that records the balance of each investor in terms of the amount of tokens they acquired during the ICO.
  8. _tokenSold: This variable keeps track of the total number of Cloudy tokens sold so far during the ICO. It can be used to monitor the progress of the fundraising.

By combining these state variables, the ICO smart contract ensures transparent and secure management of investor contributions and token distribution, while guaranteeing the integrity of the process.

III. Modifiers

A. List of modifiers defined in the contract

The ICO smart contract we are studying uses several modifiers to control access to the various functions and guarantee the smooth running of the ICO. Here is a list of the main modifiers defined in the contract:

  1. onlyAfterUnlock(): This modifier checks whether the current date is later than the unlockTimestamp. It is used to ensure that certain functions can only be executed after the end of the fund locking period, thus guaranteeing investor security.
  2. onlyBeforeUnlock(): Unlike the previous modifier, this one ensures that certain functions can only be called before the unlock date. It allows you to restrict access to certain functions during the waiting period.
  3. onlyAllowedToken(address tokenAddress): This modifier checks whether the token used in a contribution is authorized by the ICO contract. It ensures that only tokens specified in the list of authorized tokens can be used in contributions.
  4. moreThanZero(uint256 amount): This modifier checks whether the amount passed as an argument is strictly greater than zero. It is used to ensure that contributions cannot be zero or negative.

IV. Functions

A. Details of actions carried out by each function

The ICO smart contract includes several functions that facilitate the fundraising process, token distribution and contribution management. Here’s an overview of the main functions and their respective roles:

  1. constructor(): This function is the contract constructor, called only once during deployment. It initializes basic parameters such as unlock date, token price in USD, supply limit, and creates an instance of the Cloudy token contract.
  2. buy(address tokenAddress, uint buyAmount): This function allows investors to buy tokens in exchange for their contributions. It takes as input the address of the token used and the quantity to be purchased. It calculates the amount of tokens to allocate based on the current token price and the contribution amount.
  3. withdraw(): Investors can use this function to withdraw the tokens they acquired during the ICO after the unlock date. It transfers the tokens from the contract to the investor’s wallet.
  4. burnRemaining(): This function burns any remaining tokens that have not been sold by the end of the ICO. It thus reduces the total supply of tokens.
  5. withdrawAllTokens(address _to): The contract owner can use this function to withdraw all tokens of different currencies that were collected during the ICO. The tokens are transferred to the specified address.
  6. withdrawToken(address tokenAddress, address _to): This function allows the owner to withdraw a specific token collected during the ICO to a specified address.

These functions form the essential infrastructure that enables the ICO to operate seamlessly, collecting funds, distributing tokens and managing the assets collected.

V. Conclusion

A. Key points of the ICO smart contract

By examining the ICO smart contract in detail, we have been able to highlight the essential elements that make it up. This smart contract plays a central role in the fundraising process, guaranteeing the transparency, security and efficiency of ICOs. Here’s a summary of the key points discussed:

  • Status variables, such as Cloudy token instance, unlock date, token price in USD and total offer, are crucial for managing contributions and token
  • Modifiers, such as “onlyAfterUnlock” and “onlyAllowedToken,” enhance security by restricting access to contract functions, ensuring that pre-established rules are respected.
  • Functions such as “buy,” “withdraw,” and “burnRemaining,” facilitate fundraising, token distribution and the management of collected assets.

B. The importance of security and transparency in ICOs

This ICO smart contract highlights the crucial importance of security and transparency in the world of ICOs. Investors are looking for reliable projects and solid smart contracts to place their funds with confidence. Security is guaranteed by the modifiers and checks put in place to protect investors’ funds and prevent abuse.

Transparency is also essential. With well-defined status variables, events and real-time price checks, investors can follow the progress of the ICO and ensure they receive fair value for their contributions.

C. Potential smart contract applications in projects

This ICO smart contract can serve as a model for many projects seeking to raise funds transparently and securely. The basic concepts of this contract, such as fund management, token distribution and price verification, are applicable to a variety of fields, from blockchain projects to fundraising in other sectors.

It’s crucial that developers and entrepreneurs understand these concepts and tailor the contract to their specific needs, while maintaining best practices in security and transparency.

In conclusion, this ICO smart contract illustrates the importance of blockchain technology and smart contracts in today’s economy, while highlighting the imperative of security, transparency and trust to succeed in the ever-changing world of ICOs.

VI. References

VII. Warning

A. Warning about the need for caution when creating and participating in ICOs

ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) are a popular means of funding in the blockchain ecosystem, but it’s crucial to exercise caution and due diligence when creating or participating in them. Here are some important caveats:

  1. Risk of capital loss: Participating in an ICO involves significant financial risk. Investors should be aware that the value of tokens can fluctuate considerably, and it is possible to lose all or part of their invested capital.
  2. Checking smart contracts: When considering participating in an ICO, be sure to carefully check the smart contract that governs it. Make sure it is properly audited and that security rules are respected.
  3. Beware of scams: The blockchain ecosystem has seen cases of ICO-related scams. Be skeptical of projects that promise unrealistic returns or lack transparency.
  4. Thorough research: Before participating in an ICO as an investor, carry out thorough research into the team behind the project, its business model, its actual usefulness, and its potential market.
  5. Legal compliance: Make sure the ICO complies with local securities and cryptocurrency regulations in your jurisdiction. Some countries have strict ICO requirements.

B. Smart contract audit recommendations

When creating or participating in an ICO, it’s essential to follow best practices to verify the associated smart contracts. Here are a few recommendations:

  1. Contract audit: Have the smart contract audited by a reputable blockchain security company to identify and resolve potential vulnerabilities.
  2. Source code verification: Examine the source code of the smart contract and make sure it is public and transparent. Be wary of contracts whose source code is not accessible.
  3. Check the team’s reputation: Find out about the team behind the project and make sure it is experienced and credible.
  4. Business model review: Analyze the project’s business model to understand how tokens will be used and what incentives are in place.
  5. Prudent participation: If you decide to participate as an investor, start with a small contribution and observe the project closely before investing further.

By following these recommendations and remaining vigilant, you can reduce the risks associated with ICOs and make informed decisions about investing in blockchain. It’s crucial to remember that caution and research are essential when navigating this constantly evolving space.



Esteban Reynier
Esteban Reynier

Written by Esteban Reynier


Solidity | Blockchain | Web3 Freelance Developer. Interested in audiovisual, video games and AI

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